Chinese translation of English Transcript of
Stephen Colbert's Interview with Richard Dawkins on his book,
"The God Delusion"
Transcribed and translated by Fred Hsu, 2007.
Use MS Word's 'track changes' feature to see original English transcript for each line.
The original English transcript is also saved as an "initial version" (see File | Versions).
The time column shows start time of each line in the original video.
(荷)= 史提芬.荷伯 (host)
(道)= 理察.道金斯 (guest)
0'01.962 (荷)今天的來賓是個科學家,他說,沒有神!
0'05.712 (荷)我告訴你們,
0'06.877 (荷)以後他在地獄有很多時間,可以慢慢去求證!
0'08.785 (荷)我們歡迎理察.道金斯!
0'12.180 (荷)喔,呀!
0'13.737 (荷)來吧!
0'16.747 (荷)來吧!
0'17.981 (荷)就是現在!
0'25.455 (荷)謝謝你來我的節目。
0'26.452 (荷)嗯。
0'27.226 (荷)實在很興奮能見到你。
0'28.519 (荷)不過,老實跟你說,ㄧ開始我還以為是達瑞爾.道金斯要來。
0'30.989 (道)哈。
0'31.452 (荷)嗯。
0'32.153 (荷)巧克力雷霆,不知道你聽過這名字嗎?
0'34.227 (荷)嗯。
0'35.186 (荷)沒聽過?好,沒關係。
0'35.972 (荷)啊É
0'37.622 (道)通常大家都說,他們期待著一個坐輪椅,講不出話的人É
0'42.373 (荷)哦!
0'42.756 (道)他們以為我是史提芬.霍金。
0'45.220 (荷)啊,史提芬.霍金。
0'47.007 (荷)好,他也要下地獄吧?
0'49.223 (道)我也這麼想。
0'50.129 (荷)對,沒錯, 沒錯。
0'51.386 (荷)嗯,上帝不喜歡黑洞。
0'53.123 (荷)很好É
0'54.102 (荷)嗯É
0'57.970 (荷)你的書É
0'59.473 (荷)ㄧ開始非常好,
1'01.196 (荷)你知道嗎?
1'02.043 (荷)銀色的書皮很光滑,我可以看到自己的臉在上面。
1'05.592 (荷)不過再來就不好,我看了很生氣,
1'07.605 (荷)你知道嗎?
1'08.491 (荷)你說上帝是É
1'11.345 (荷)書名叫《上帝是幻覺》É
1'13.205 (荷)對嗎?
1'13.959 (荷)你說沒有上帝,
1'16.412 (荷)上帝只是神話故事,
1'18.651 (荷)又說宗教腐蝕性強。
1'21.936 (道)其實,我是說上帝存在的可能性非常、非常低。
1'24.217 (道)事實上,要證明上帝不存在是不可能的。
1'25.992 (荷)當然了!因為祂存在!
1'28.992 (荷)不管你怎麼計算,
1'30.786 (荷)都還有一點點上帝留下來。
1'32.177 (道)我們沒有辦法反證任何東西,
1'33.412 (道)我們沒辦法反證「飛行麵條怪物」,
1'35.377 (道)我們沒辦法反證「索爾」及祂的「雷神之錘」。
1'37.635 (道)我們沒辦法反證 「宙斯」或「波塞冬」。
1'40.555 (荷)當然,因為那些都是異教神,
1'41.656 (荷)他們不存在的。
1'42.144 (道)對,沒錯。
1'43.638 (荷)他們不存在的。
1'46.147 (道)針對這些異教神來說,你是個無神論者。
1'48.855 (道)針對這些異教神來說,這裡每一個人都是無神論者。
1'51.122 (道)我們中間有些人更進一步,連最後一個上帝都不信。
1'54.141 (荷)喔!好,有種。
1'56.986 (荷)那麼,我們來聽看看吧。
1'59.107 (荷)嗯,沒有上帝É
2'01.862 (荷)信仰是一種幻覺É
05.153 (荷)這個世界,整個宇宙,全都是隨機產生的。
2'08.499 (道)喔,不,不是這樣。
2'08.646 (荷)我們只是一群猴子,我們應當姦淫和亂丟大便。
2'12.818 (荷)這就是你的精選集,對嗎?
2'13.496 (道)可以這麼說,隨便你說。
2'14.368 (荷)我已經把你的書做了一個總結,怎麼樣?
2'16.437 (道)隨便你怎麼說。
2'17.305 (道)但是,你不應該說這一切都是隨機率造成的。
2'20.500 (道)決對不是隨機產生的,
2'22.228 (道)因為達爾文的自然選擇跟隨機是完全相反的,
2'27.932 (道)它是一個高度非隨機的過程。
2'30.195 (道)很多人對達爾文主義有誤解,
2'32.955 (道)以為進化論只靠運氣,
2'33.892 (道)以為人是意外產生的。
2'35.386 (道)事實上,人不是意外產生的。
2'36.379 (荷)Well, that's too complex for us to perceive
2'38.888 (荷)you know?
2'39.596 (荷)it's like
2'40.330 (荷)I know a Pachinko machine isn't an accident either
2'43.107 (荷)There is a reason why it bounces from nail to nail
2'45.409 (荷)but it looks random to me, right?
2'48.004 (道)Nothing in nature looks random
2'50.112 (道)nothing in nature looks random
2'51.200 (荷)I want you to address my Pachinko analogy
2'54.236 (道)I've never even heard of it
2'55.346 (道)What is that?
2'55.670 (荷)Never heard of Pachinko?
2'57.064 (荷)Oh, it's like Japanese Pinball
2'58.822 (道)Okay
2'59.509 (荷)They're great
3'00.040 (荷)They make a..
3'00.554 (荷)They make, um, pornographic versions of it over there
3'03.883 (道)We call it bagatelle
3'05.313 (荷)Bagatelle
3'06.575 (荷)Who, who is we?
3'07.496 (荷)Biologist or English people?
3'08.635 (道)English people
3'09.339 (荷)Okay, alright
3'11.163 (荷)Um
3'13.183 (荷)Now, obviously I've already played my hand here
3'14.821 (荷)I believe in god
3'16.180 (荷)and you don't believe in god
3'18.488 (荷)so I've got that on you
3'20.092 (荷)so um...
3'21.153 (荷)this is kind of unfair, 'cause god's on my side in this argument
3'24.659 (荷)um
3'26.650 (荷)But 95 percent of Americans believe that there is a god
3'31.532 (荷)so, doesn't that disprove...
3'33.851 (荷)your argument
3'34.777 (荷)or else, ah, you don't believe in democracy
3'37.165 (道)Well
3'39.556 (荷)Really? I mean, the people have spoken
3'41.149 (道)Democracy is fine for policy
3'42.779 (道)But democracy is no good for science
3'45.424 (道)you would never
3'45.797 (荷)Oh, I disagree
3'46.740 (荷)I'll say that the President will disagree also
3'48.654 (道)Well, you've got a point there
3'50.372 (道)I have to give you that
3'52.783 (道)You are right there
3'54.606 (荷)Now, you are not a big fan of Intelligent Design either, I am imagining
3'57.808 (道)I am a very big fan of intelligent design for man-made things
4'00.609 (道)But I am not a big fan of intelligent design for natural things
4'04.550 (荷)No, what do you mean?
4'05.482 (荷)What's the difference between those things?:
4'06.359 (荷)I mean, aren't we natural?
4'07.387 (荷)We are part of..
4'08.188 (荷)We are part of the natural order of things
4'08.932 (道)that's right
4'09.950 (道)There is no intelligent design in the natural order of things
4'12.174 (道)There is plenty of intelligent design in computers and cars and telephones
4'16.151 (道)They are all intelligently designed
4'17.635 (道)And we are so stupid that we think
4'19.925 (道)that just because telephones and computers and cars are intelligently design
4'23.927 (道)that we are, too.
4'24.914 (道)Well, we're not
4'26.358 (道)and...
4'26.703 (荷)But I am more complex than my computer
4'28.633 (道)You certainly are
4'29.808 (荷)Right, so how can I be here?
4'32.229 (荷)I mean...
4'33.090 (荷)It... it's either
4'34.266 (荷)it's either...
4'36.358 (荷)I am... lost...
4'37.406 (道)Well, I'll tell you...
4'39.478 (荷)I'm lost
4'40.218 (荷)It hurts when I think.
4'41.484 (荷)See? If I just think that God just...
4'43.029 (荷) (clap)
4'43.166 (荷)dit it
4'43.744 (荷)that, I can understand
4'45.557 (道)And who just did god, then?
4'51.621 (荷)God is outside of time
4'53.465 (道)Ah, you see...
4'54.164 (道)That's so easy. You get away with that
4'56.180 (荷)No, it's hard. It makes my brain sore.
4'59.969 (道)You can get away with that. And then you can explain anything
5'02.608 (荷)I can't explain anything
5'03.692 (道)Yeah, the point...
5'04.548 (道)I can explain it
5'05.946 (道)and the point...
5'06.458 (道)And I can explain it by saying that
5'08.282 (道)You get to complex things, like you
5'11.291 (道)by slow, gradual drees.
5'13.438 (道)and that is the only ultimate explanation that will work
5'17.126 (道)You can't just suddenly magic complex things, like god, into existence
5'23.160 (荷)But, if this is intelligently designed,
5'25.733 (荷)like say, your book is intelligently designed,
5'27.729 (道)It is, by the way
5'28.402 (荷)but the universe, but the universe is not intelligently designed,
5'32.891 (荷)then you're saying that the universe just
5'35.596 (荷)ah, just naturally came into existence
5'39.365 (荷)continues its existence through natural laws of nature
5'43.883 (荷)through physics, the thermodynamics, the laws of gravity and energy
5'48.782 (荷)produced you, eventually
5'51.005 (荷)and then through you, produced this book
5'53.467 (荷)that proves that it has no natural intelligent design
5'56.417 Okay, let's take that...
5'58.296 Let's take that step by step
6'00.118 Oh, I don't think we have time for step by step
6'01.160 You were right
6'02.935 You can either surrender or we can go
6'04.202 You were right as far when you got on to life
6'06.800 Life's a very special thing
6'08.608 Life starts naturally
6'10.626 and it then increases in complexity
6'12.676 by slow, gradual degrees
6'14.400 That's Darwinian natural selection
6'15.542 That's because God breathed into it
6'17.010 Oh, no.
6'19.297 That's at best, a superfluous hypothesis
6'22.048 and at worst, a highly unparsimonious one
6'24.576 Do both of those mean that you surrender?
6'28.255 We've got to go, I'm sorry
6'29.654 Richard Dawkins, thank you so much for being my guest
6'32.699 The book is, The God Delusion
6'35.980 We'll be right back